Hi again,
I’m here to talk about a potential genre we will be using for our 2 minute introduction film. The genre that I began to research is horror. Horror films are created for a teenage audience, since they enjoy the thrill of watching these types of movies. There are many types of horror but the one we are going towards would be a horror film on isolation.
Although horror films have a lot to it, to make sure the audience is pleased with the film there are a lot of special techniques that are used. There are certain conventions of a horror film that are extremely necessary this includes dark lighting,isolation,a female victim,suspenseful music,slow pace of editing, and much more.
Some techniques used in horror films are lowkey-lighting, this creates tension due to its dark and mysterious atmosphere. Another technique used would be to underexpose, in most cases the killer/attacker is not completely shown (his/her face). However there are so many other techniques used for horror films, it’s almost an endless amount!
Furthermore horror is marketed in many different ways. One way that horror is marked would be through demand, the demand for a horror film is obviously higher during the month of October unlike February. October is known for a month of spookiness meanwhile in February you have a time for love, Valentine’s Day. Horror films can also be marked through social media, and in theater ads.
Hush was a movie that came out in 2016, and was produced by Jason Blum and Trevor Macy. This movie was about a deaf women who was isolated in the wood at her home, she had no phone or any connection with anyone around her. Then before you know it a masked killer shows up at her window. This movie is the kind of horror I would like to use in my 2 minute film.
Truth or dare was the next film I chose that embodies my genre of horror. Even though this film was nothing to do with isolation, it has to do with a group of young adults who come together to play a game of truth or dare. The game is run by a demon force and ends up with a lot of these group members dying. In a way I interpret this film with isolation because no one believes them. These group of kids were isolated in a way were no one believed them or helped them.